Monday, April 10, 2006

The IT Crowd

So today I was so busy I didn't even get to have lunch. Not good. Especially as I was hoping to go with my bestest buddies from IT. I feel that the IT crowd should get a mention here, as if it wasn't for them, I'd probably be working somewhere else by now. Managed to speak to Ming the Merciless via the telephone at about 3ish. Obviously that's not his real name, but I have to give them aliases for two reasons:

1. So that even if anyone read this and thought they knew who I was talking about, they couldn't prove it.

2. Depending on the alias I choose, it gives them something else to do instead of all-night gaming or writing jokes in binary (both things I can often be found doing myself). Trust me, give a geek a label, and if they respect you, they'll try and live up to it, if only to emphasise how clever they are.

So, me and Ming. Had a discussion about Milky Joe from The Mighty Boosh. He has a cactus called Bob Fossil on his desk, I am hoping to have a coconut on mine, resembling Milky Joe. Noone else would get it, but he and I have an understanding. The other day, whilst discussing how you never see Unicorns driving small (or come to think of it, any) cars, a valid point was raised. If the Unicorn was to have an accident, would its horn burst the airbag? If so, what safety measure would you put in place for prospective Unicorn car drivers? I can't think of anything. Anyone who can will win a Blue Peter Badge. Providing they bid for it themselves on eBay, I'm not going to incur the wrath of Peter Duncan for any mofo.

Another IT chum of note, who I like to call Arkwright, on account of him being so tight, sent me the details of his outing yesterday to a National History type park. He actually sent me the info yesterday, but it was only today that I realised, for someone so tight, it would have made more sense for him to keep looking at the website. It shows you everything there is to see there, so not only do you NOT have to waste valuable LPG going there, you don't have to waste batteries on taking photos because they're all on there as well! He would disagree that he's tight though, so I should probably apologize in advance in case he reads this. :0o

So anyway, I'm hoping to lunch with the IT crowd tomorrow, and will be sure to report back on events. Will probably have an opportunity to slip in the names of the remaining IT chaps. And chapesses, of which there is one.

Is the suspense killing you?


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