Sunday, October 07, 2007

Ooh and....

....can I just say, Hefty is getting an iPhone in November which is SPLENDIFEROUS!!!! It comes with a free PS3, which is NOT so splendiferous, but hey. I suppose if they can't sell them, they may as well give them away.

I'm looking forward to having my picture taken so that it looks like I'm trapped in his phone, that's my new fave Maclication I reckon!

Does the hand in this picture freak anyone else out? It's really odd somehow?!!! Shudder.


Tim said...

I SOOOOOO badly want an iPhone, but I'm going to wait a few months, just because my existing phone doesn't need to be replaced yet.

And yes, that hand is a tad freaky. I think it's because it's unnaturally smooth - almost like a robot hand covered in fake skin!

iPandah said...

A Cylon hand perhaps?!!!!! Oh the terror.