Friday, October 12, 2007

Happy Rod Hull Day!!!!

So today is Rod Hull Day!!!! It was my leaving do last night, I went to bed at 12am and woke up at 4am :0( So I decided to blog. Actually, I'm not really blogging, not properly, I just wanted to say Happy Rod Hull Day!! I'll write about my do later, I'm not quite with it at the mo.

Hope anyone out there celebrating the legend that is, Rod Hull, has a super day!!!!

I shall take photos today, and maybe put them up! I know I often threaten to put photos up but I'm a bit crap at it.

Ooh, and today is my last day at work! I am officially retiring at the ripe old age of 27!!

It's all a bit weird.......I think the look on Rod's face says it all....


Tim said...

And the look on Emu's face matches mine!

(oops, almost typed 'emo' then!)

Happy retirement!!

iPandah said...

Imagine an Emo Emu? The mind boggles....