Saturday, May 13, 2006


Yesterday was a slightly crrr-aay-zeee day for a number of reasons.
Firstly, we exchanged on our brand spanking new house, so we were finally able to tell the 'rents!!! They were super pleased and we are showing it to them on Sunday then going out to celebrate!
Secondly, my good pal and ex-house mate Tufty, left for the big smoke!

Here's what happened.....

When I got into work yesterday morning I was starving, having had no breakfast on account of Buff and I over-sleeping. I found a packet of Haribo Starmix in my desk drawer and figured that would do, as there's little fried egg things in there, which I thought represented a pretty good attempt at breakfast. WRONG!! I felt so sick after about twenty minutes, and they repeated on me for the most of the day, rank!! I have been put off for life!! Kids and grown ups but NOT iPandahs love it so.
Didn't do much work, mainly talked to Super Saz and JT, the wickedace laydee I sit next to. At around 10am, I left to pick Buff up so we could go and sign!! When we got to the solicitors, we had to wait a bit, before this dude turned up with an over-powering limp! It was one of those limps where you weren't sure if he'd hurt himself or was just born like that, so we said nothing...... It turned out he'd injured himself playing football, phew! Not that I would care if it was a lifetime thang, only we had to wait cos it took him an extra fifteen minutes to limp up the street. I'm all for equal opportunities but you'd have to find a way around that if you were charging by the hour!! So anyway, we signed, and celebrated with lunch at Pret a Manger. I went back to work and did even less work. Fridays rule.

After work, we headed into town (not something we're accustomed to) and met up with Tufty, and lots of chums. A good time was had by all. Topics discussed included: Macs, Battlestar Galactica, The Prisoner, luxury pet accessories - namely the ones available on Rupert & Co (there you go Pricey, a shameless plug!), laserdiscs, B&O, and how to make your own drugs using aspirin and coffee.

When the time came to say goodbye (we had to tell the folks about the house so couldn't stay out all night) it was very strange. Tufty is a top bloke, who drives a cool car, and looks after my faux cat Marty. He rides bikes, cooks, and his family and dog are loopy. He also shares my love for Badgers in smoking jackets and cravattes. Good luck Tufty, I will miss you!

When we got to my parents house, they were absolutley delighted, and we spent the rest of the evening looking at the plans, as well as some pictures of it (half-built) that Buff took, and discussing all the wonderful things we're going to do with it.

All in all, a good day!!! If slightly sad.

Well, it's Fred Dibnah day on UKTV History, I'm off to learn about chimneys.

Over and out.

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