Sunday, February 25, 2007

Lactobacillus casei Shirota

Hefty nipped to the shop to pick up some ingredients for dinner and brought me a gift - Yakult. I have always wanted to try Yakult, but it's kind of expensive and I'm not convinced it will have any effect. Thanks Hefty!! I am most pleased with this gift, because if it does have some effect, we can get more, but if it doesn't, I can sleep soundly knowing that I didn't pay for it!! This might make me sound really tight, I'm not, I just don't take kindly to scams, so if I want to have a go at something that looks suspicious, it doesn't bother me half as much if it is a con, if I haven't had to pay for it. Does that make any kind of sense? Probably not. What kind of person won't take a gamble on a Probiotic drink I hear you cry. It bothers me too, I'm usually so impulsive, but 'friendly bacteria' is one area I can't bring myself to splash out on. Apologies. Anyway, I'll try it for a week, and see if it changes my life.

Here's hoping.


Tim said...

I drink actimel - it's great, and they gave me my money back this month!

iPandah said...

Why did they do that? I'd like mine back (well, Hefty's) cos I've just had one and it tastes like ass. I can't even finish the one I'm on because, being of a delicate disposition when it comes to stomach sensitivities, I just had a bout of wretching :0( Oh the cruel irony of it all.

Tim said...

It's some sort of promotion for February to entice new customers in … I've been drinking it for months though, and still the suckas paid me!

Give Actimel a whirl, it's much better than Yakult.

Anonymous said...

I've tried Actimel ~ the strawberry flavoured one. It was ok and (seemed) to get rid of my stomach pains. But I'm with you ipandah, I can't drink the other one as it looks like it's nothing but sperm.

iPandah said...

Well that's settled then, Actimel it is! Dr Shirota can have his foul-tasting bacteria back and stick it.

skillz said...

Yeah, but you can't drink Actimel whilst singing "M M M My Shirota!" like the song because it doesn't work.

iPandah said...

Hmm, I'll have to think of a new about 'I wanna get Actimel,' by Olivia Neutron Bomb (see how I shamelessly stole that name from Tim).