Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I am a unit

Okay, so I'm officially not on the 'Yakult' on account of it making me sick at the first mouthful. After some glowing recommendations (Pawpads, Sparky Malarkey) I'm willing to give Actimel a go, but I haven't got round to getting any yet, and I might have to wait until the trauma of Dr Shirota's haenous drink has worn off first.

On the plus side, Hefty has bought me a Cross Trainer. I've been going on about needing more excercise etc. for ages, so he bought me one!! Fab! Much better than the Yakult! It's a good one too, so once we've sorted the garage out (again) I can get on it and get fit!! I need to tone up for my best friend's wedding, which isn't til April 2008, but we go for the fittings (I'm a bridesmaid) in October, which gives me 8 months to turn myself into a supermodel. Plus, it's in Florida, so I need an athletic beach bod, rather than the Pilsbury Dough Boy physique I am currently portraying. I'm well looking forward to it though, it's gonna be a wickedace holiday with the added bonus of a wedding!! Not that I'm particularly fond of weddings, my own involved only 4 other people (2 witnesses, 2 friends), we simply got married and went out for dinner!! I'm not into epics, aside from the fact they're so expensive. But I am looking forward to this one, though there'll be no tannning (she is recovering from skin cancer after all!). I'm still plannning on slipping into an itsy bitsy teeny weeny though, so I HAVE to shape up!

I'm not amused by this rain, I have to go on a farm visit on Thursday :0( It had better wear off!!! Wading through cow muck is one thing, wading through wet cow muck is quite another! Not to mention the flies!!! The farm itself should be a blast though (cue geeky dairy moment), as it's robotic!! Basically, the cows all have tags, and they can wander in and out when they like. Each time they enter the milking parlour, they get scanned, and if they need milking, they get milked, if they've already been milked, they get food!! It's all very exciting!! Each tag is programmed for each cow, so the suckers are automated for each udder!! I know it's a bit sad to find this kind of thing interesting, but it beats a day in the office!

Anyways, I'm hungrier than hell, toddle oo!


skillz said...

I'm assuming the cows have RFID tags? The whole thing seems kinda similar to how stock managements and barcodes work. Although using the word 'robotics' scares me, I just had a strange image of being chased by a cow-terminator through a press.

"You're terminated, f*cker!"

Tim said...

Robot cows?! That's awesome! Skillz could barcode 'em up!