Friday, January 26, 2007


Yay! The black is back! I can relax now, safe in the knowledge that I look like Amy Lee again, and not the ginger one from Girls Aloud. Phew.


skillz said...

The Ginger One gets viewed too harshly, the poor thing. I find myself defending her at every opportunity, someone has to.

iPandah said...

You fool. You do realise it was probably her who stole your coat. I have nothing against her though, I'd just rather look like Amy Lee.

Inexplicable DeVice said...

Black does go with anything, after all.

Although, I don't think The Ginger One would go even if she did have black hair. Not that I want her to, of course. She's the most entertaining of the lot!

Hi, btw.

iPandah said...

I like the one with legs like two giraffe necks. She's awesome, for this freaky fact alone.

Consider your greeting reciprocated.