Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Red Headed League

Last night, we went to see Rocky Balboa again. Man, I love that film. I love Rocky, I love fighting, I love Stallone! It was a very emotional experience, I shed a tear or two throughout, and was very tempted to give him a standing ovation at the end. I refrained, probably for the best. I suspect that kind of thing would be cool in America, but here, just plain shameful.

Today I had another fantastic vomiting episode at work. I was sent home and booked into the doctors. The doctor was quite possibly the most un-doctor-like doctor in the world. I got the impression he didn't give a shit, wasn't really listening, and was wondering who I was and what the hell I was doing there (then again, aren't all doctors like that?). Anyway, after many an comfortable silence, he furnished me with some drugs and sent me on my way. My sickness episodes are getting ridiculous now. I feel sick at some point EVERY day, especially at night when I should be sleeping. I still haven't heard back from the hospital about my operation, so I really don't know what's going on, and whether any of these symptoms I have are related in any way. I hope these new tablets do some good. I have to take them three times a day, which is, I feel, a little excessive. Then again, I'm sick about three times a day, so maybe there's method in that there madness.

I sat in bed most of the day watching my SH boxed set. Brilliant. I fell asleep a few times but that's to be expected. I can sleep anywhere, any time, so in bed whilst watching a DVD is unlikely to be out of the question. I have now got up to eat some food. Hefty is preparing a tasty classic dish of his, hopefully I'll have the appetite to eat it.

Oh, I dyed my hair again the other night. Trying to keep up with my roots is a battle and a half. Blonde hair sucks anyway, but when it's still ruining your hair after you've dyed it brown, it really pisses you off. Anyway, when I went to Boots, they didn't have the colour I usually use, so I went for the next one in the series. It was called 'Cappuccino Brown', I usually have 'Mocha Brown'. Well, my 'Cappuccino' is more like a Gingerbread Latte. It's frikkin RED all over!! What's that got to do with frothy coffee?!! I suspect it's cos of my rubbish blonde hair, but I am, never the less, NOT amused. So I went to buy another one yesterday, and they only had two dark brown ones on the shelf, the rest were blonde! Two of the brand I use I should point out. They had other brands, but I have become rather fond of Garnier Nutrisse. So, not really knowing about these things but refusing to go back to my hairdresser ripping-off days, I bought another brand, with the rather less exciting, un-coffee-like title of 'Natural Dark Brown.' Meh, sounds good to me, less poncey at any rate. I've gone for a darker one than usual because I need to counteract the red. I thought about just getting black, but Hefty is concerned that, despite my claims of being a Demi Goth, I'm actully turning into a proper Goth. I thought my coming home with a black dye might confirm his worst fears, so I'm crossing my fingers that L'Oreal Excellence Cream is dark enough to do the trick. Will keep you posted.

We're going to SuperSaz's on Saturday night, for food and entertainment. Looking forward to a change of scenery. As much as I love my house, I feel like I haven't left it for ages cos of my stupid sickness bouts. I'm certainly too familiar with the characteristics in the bathroom. This kind of knowledge only comes when you spend 85% of your time sat looking into/across/around a lavatory bowl. Thank heavens for the Alessi toilet brush we bought a couple of years ago. It looks like a plant, and provides a good focal point for me inbetween hurls.

Right, dinner is served. G'bye.

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