Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Paw Prints = Pawesome t-shirts!!

I have ordered this fabulous t-shirt, and am so excited I felt the need for a bit of shameless advertising!!! And some terrible punnery (is that a word?). By 'punnery' I refer to 'pawsome', but what the hell, I don'ts needs tos explains myselfs tos yous guys. Crikey, I've gone off on one today, must be that cheese I decided to gnaw on as a post-work snack.

Here is a picture of a Guinea Pig:

Now, clearly, this is NOT a t-shirt, but the website won't let me copy images or anything, so you'll have to wait until it arrives (or visit the site) to see a pic of the real thing. Strangely, I was drawn to the Guinea Pig, lord knows why, in the absence of a Pandah I guess that was the closest thing to it (?). Having given it some thought, I also decided to pick ones for all of you lot (fellow blog readers), based on what I know, or think I know about you already. Clearly I have too much time on my hands today. Anyway, here goes:

Pawpads - What else, the CAT! Especially as it looks kind of pissed off, you wouldn't even need to tell people to eff off!

Tim - Either the LION or the FOX, naturally. I'm thinking the LION though, despite your obvious FOXiness.

Skillz - This was tough, but I'm going with the DOG, as it looks cool, street-wise, and in control. Which is kinda like you I reckon, if he had a colllar with a barcode on it, we'd be sorted.

Ming AKA thetapeworm - I'd like to say CAT, but I'm veering towards GUINEA PIG. We're too similar you and I.

IDV - I'm going with FROG in the absence of a crow, just cos it seems witchy.

T-Bird - The LAMB or PIG, given your recent vow of vegetarianism.

As I said, I tried to bring up the pics, but it wouldn't let me, and Blogger struggles with my Mac at the best of times. So you'll just have to visit the site (top of the links list) yourselves, if you're even remotely interested in my random thoughts about what clothes you should all wear. And if half of you even still read my blog, given my slackings of late (bad iP, must be punished).

So there. I'll take a proper pic of mine when it arrives - YAY!


Pawpads said...

I wouldn't need to tell people to eff off????
How can you know me so well, without even knowing me?
Do I really come across like that?

The cat is cool though ~ and I would need a HUGE pawpad on the back ~ just 'cos really.

Tim said...

Ooo, Lion-y! Rawr!

iPandah said...

Pawpads - It's not so much that you ARE like that, it's that you HAVE to be like that cos you're surrounded by morons!!!! M & B aside of course!!!

Tim - Rawr indeed!!! Would go well with your new trainers ;0)

Inexplicable DeVice said...

Frog is good. Hexcellent, in fact!

If I wore a crow T, people might think I was a goth or emo instead of a witch.

Damn them!

thetapeworm said...
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thetapeworm said...

Guinea Pigs are pretty cool, they look all fluffy but actually feel like ginger Shredded Wheat, cunning!