Thursday, March 08, 2007

Month End

Month End is that time when I disappear off for ages. This is because I have too much work to do and come home so tired that I fall asleep on the sofa. When I wake up hours later, it's bed time. This tends to go on for about a week, then I'm bored at work again. Vicious. Cycle. So it's been a milky week of milky balancing for me. Fun, fun, fun.

I did manage to watch some random tv inbetween naps this week. I saw 'Interview With A Poultergeist' the other night, which was about this family who had a mischievous poultergeist called Bill. He knocked on walls a lot, then started flinging the kids out of bed and down stairs, then he started chatting. It was weird as hell. I didn't know whether to be scared or amused.

I also watched Louise Redknapp become a Size 0, and though I should have watched it and seen the flaw in dieting, I actually just felt fat, and it didn't help when SuperSaz declared that she was 4 inches off being a Size 0 herself. Now I feel like 'The Woman Who Lost 30 Stone' (Channel 5, Monday night), before she lost 30 stone. It's depressing :0( If I didn't have this wedding, I wouldn't really be bothering, but I have set myself this ridiculous goal of looking like a supermodel in my bridesmaid dress so I don't ruin the photos. I'm sure no-one's going to be looking at me, but I don't want L's friends who I don't know to be saying, "Who's your fat mate?' I'm getting Kelp tablets this week. Apparently they make you thin. I don't care how or why, as long as they do.

Yesterday, I thought that Albert, the biggest of the horses in the field behind our house, had died. He was flat out in the field, and was still there this morning. I consulted my sister, the equine expert, who told me that horses do that when they want to relax, and that I shouldn't worry. She said it was unlikely he'd been there for two days, it was probably just his favourite spot, and I happened to catch him every time he was there. Sure enough, when I got home this afternoon, he was eating hay with his buds. Phew. No-one should have to see a dead horse, it's not nice (I've seen a couple before, this is why I was so disturbed).

For some reason, Blogger is being teh gay today, and it won't let me post any pictures. Pah! This happens every now and then, and it sucks!! So much for new and improved Blogger, google schmoogle. Pah again!

So no pics. Boo. I had a good one too. Maybe tomorow. Hmph.


skillz said...

I saw the paultergeist thing, it was so obviously the kids who were doing it! And the so called 'expert' on the supernatural couldn't be trusted because of his comical moustache.

As for the Louise show, I saw a bit of it... man, she fit! She held the top spot in my chart from 1995-2004, and I met her in HMV. I don't think they should ban size zero models, it's discriminating against skinny women. They'd never dream of banning super-massive women even though it's just as unhealthy.

Miss Smuggersham said...

Hey iPandah! I have seen your comments bouncing about the blog world, and decided to come over for a visit!

Awesome blog, I really enjoyed reading it.

As for the weight loss... I am about to try milkshakes. I have had enough of salads and those last few kilos won't budge. Let us know how the kelp goes, eh?

Tim said...

I wish I'd seen this poltergeist thing. Bill sounds like a bit of a laugh, what with his children-flinging activities. Certainly more practical than the usual stacking thing they do, and I'm sure mum appreciates the extra help getting the kids up in the morning and ready for school.

iPandah said...

Skillz - Did you see the kids when they'd grown up? That Janet character was weird as hell!! I've never seen anyone say "Yeah, I was thrown down the stairs headfirst" in such a nonchalant manner!!! I'm currently aiming to be a size THREE ZERO, much more achievable I feel, and as you say, I won't be banned!

T-Bird - Hello! Welcome to my world! Glad you enjoyed the blog, it's nice to know my randomness is appreciated by others!! I shall head over to your blog and return the compliment! I'll let you know how I get on with the Kelp too, it had better work or I'll be trying milkshakes too!

Tim - I'm sure the poultergeist programme will be repeated at some point either on channel 4 or one of the million other 4 channels in existence. Bill was a freaky fella, and foul-mouthed to boot! He was a gravelly-voiced cockerney too, random beyond belief!!! You reminded me of one of my favourite Ghostbuster quotes: "You're right, no human being could stack books like that." Genius.