Tuesday, May 05, 2009


Eugh, BBQ NOT a success, it went out, Hefty was furious and is gonna buy a gas one, and we suspect the bit of food I did eat was partially raw cos I've been helluvva poorly sick :0(

Hefty and I both feel crap in point of fact, though he seems to have a fever of some kind (NOT swine flu before anyone suggests it!).

He has to go to St Albans tomorrow too, boo :0( Double boo actually, as the work he has to do starts at 6pm so he has to stay overnight :0( So me and Oswaldius will have to chill on our own. I might actually watch TV (shock horror), but I'm not holding my breath.

Weather is shite today, I generally feel ill and miserable, and most people I know do too. Roll on Summer I say, I need cheering up!



Pixie said...

You're more than welcome to come to the Pixie and Ming parlour for some chilling out...but you probably don't want to go home to an empty house. :( I am cheerful though so I could inject you with some? xx

iPandah said...

Gah! Only just found this, EPIC FAIL! x

Tim said...

Oh no! Sending coded internetz cheers on a secure frequency!!

iPandah said...
