Sunday, June 01, 2008

Stuff and nonsense

I feel really sick today. Before now, I was laid flat out on the floor doing that 'Oh my god I'm going to die' thing. Now I am upright again, but still nauseous. Course, it's all in my head, so I don't know what I'm worrying about >:0(
With regards to the old doctor situation, last night, because Hefty's working these shifts at the mo and my nights are lonely (sob), I wrote a very long, very detailed letter of complaint. Edited highlights include paragraphs such as these:

"To be told that very real symptoms are all in your head is quite distressing, and yet again, I went away from the ENT department feeling angry and upset. I accept that maybe on paper they can't find anything, but is tact completely beyond these peoples' capabilities? If she'd said, 'I'm sorry, we've done all we can but can't find anything' I would have still been disappointed, but at least I wouldn't have felt like a liar. After four years of a debilitating illness that no-one can diagnose, to be told it's all in your head is just unacceptable. I don't need to be patronised or fobbed off, and frankly I don't appreciate it. There are so many posters up around hospitals saying that verbal abuse or bullying toward staff will not be tolerated, but it seems that Doctors can talk to people however they wish! "

"Not everybody expects to find a solution to their problems, but they do expect, and have a right, to be treated with dignity and respect. And perhaps a little understanding and sensitivity. I hope never to see these unpleasant and unprofessional people again, frankly, I'd rather continue to live with my illness, as my experience was both stressful and upsetting."

I can't imagine anyone will give a shit, but it makes me feel better, and I'll send it to as many people as I have to!

Young Ozzy has been a bit of a punk today. I had to reprimand him for jumping on the sofa (he's not allowed on the sofas) and chewing my Megatron. So now he's in a mood, and decided to hide in his tunnel, before skulking into his cat tent. He may be a fiend, but he's uber cute!

I watched Barbarella last night, always amusing, then Blade 2 was on Channel 4 so I watched that too. I want to watch The Chumscrubber again, so Hefty can see it, but I have to wait til he's not working nights, and I've no idea when that will be! I don't know if I mentioned it, but Hefty bought me the 'Murder, She Wrote' boxed set for Easter, of the first 5 series? Well, I've been watching it for the last few weeks and I'm now halfway through series 5. Which means I've watched a hell of a lot of JB Fletcher, though when I've finished, I'm pretty sure I'll start all over again! I need to finish watching Babylon 5 too though, and we've got Death Proof on the pile as well. So little time, so many DVDs!

When we were in the US, we went to see the Blue Man Group, who were spanktastic! I sort of knew who they were, but didn't really know what they did, so I went in to the show with an open mind. I wasn't disappointed! It's like a cross between music, art, comedy, it's all just completely random, but brilliant! Very clever, and entertaining, I can't wait to see them again. We bought their CD and DVD out there too, though the DVD is different to the show we saw. Here's a taster:

Blue Man Group

I hope the link works, I tried to post the video but I can't figure out how to do it. The instructions aren't very clear!

Well, got to feed Ozzle before he completely falls out with me.



Tim said...

Ozzy looks like he's planning world domination from inside his cat tent!

iPandah said...

I do wonder sometimes, especially when I hear whirring noises that could be a table turning over to reveal a large map....